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Abduction Settings...

MC Command Center > MC Occult > MC Occult > Abduction Settings...

Abduction Frequency...
Alien visitation and abductions will happen according to the normal EA rules.
Abduction Start Time
The hour of day from 0 to 23 to start allowing abductions to occur. The EA default is 22 (10 PM).
Abduction Time Length
The duration in hours from the Abduction Start Time to allow abductions to occur.
Hours Between Abductions
The minimum number of hours to pass before allowing another abduction-check to occur. The EA default is 24.
Abduction Ages...
The Sim ages allowed for abduction to occur. The EA default is Young Adult, Adult and Elder.
Allow NPC Abductions
If enabled, wandering or visiting NPC Sims may be abducted in addition to the active household.
© KlingonDragon
© Deaderpool