심 결혼 선택
MC Command Center > MC Pregnancy > 심 결혼 선택
Valid Marriage Ages
Specifies the ages that Sims must be for eligibility for marriage. One or more ages may be chosen.
임신 모듈의 실행 요일
밤 12시에 자동결혼 검사를 실행합니다.
활성 심의 연인 보호하기
마을심의 랜덤 결혼에 활성심과 관계있는 심은 무시합니다.
플레이 가족 보호하기
When checking for random marriages, bypass any played households rather than just the current active household.
Marriage Percentage
노숙자 심 결혼 허용
사용하도록 설정한 경우 노숙자 심은 자동 청혼을 받을 수 있습니다.
Flag Gender Preference
If enabled, when random marriages are generated for NPC Sims, the result of checks against the Same Sex Percentage will permanently set the Gender Preference on the target Sims by flagging them as Same Sex Only or Opposite Sex Only.
Use Gender Preference
When determining whether an NPC Sim will marry another NPC Sim during random marriage generation, the gender preference of the target Sim will be evaluated as part of the process.
Bypass Robots
When generating random marriages, bypass robot Sims as targets or spouses for marriage.
Bypass Dorm Residents
When scheduled random marriages occur, bypass any Sim that is a dorm resident for either a target, or a spouse.