MC Command Center
MC Command Center
Current MCCC Version: 2024.7.0
Current Sims 4 Version: 1.111.102
Current Sims 4 Version: 1.111.102

MCCC Settings...
The MC Command Center module is necessary to link all the other modules together.

The MC CAS module allows control and manipulation of Sim appearances down to individual body parts.

MC Career
The MC Career module contains settings to work-around the way that the Sims 4 deals with careers and school.

MC Cleaner
The MC Cleaner module contains functionality to clean-up various aspects in Sims/lots/neighborhoods.

MC Clubs
The MC Clubs module gives some options to club-functionality in game such as allowing new Sims to join the clubs periodically.

MC Dresser
The MC Dresser module contains functionality specifically oriented to limiting what clothing might be used by Sims.

MC Occult
The Occult module allows changing some Sim options specific to the different occult types.

MC Population
The MC Population module contains functionality related to creating new homeless Sims or moving elders/single Sims.

MC Pregnancy
The MC Pregnancy module contains functionality specifically oriented to enabling other Sim households within the neighborhoods to have children and get married.

MC Tuner
The MC Tuner module allows changing the way interactions behave.

MC Woohoo
The MC Woohoo module changes the behavior of the various Woohoo and Try for Baby interactions available between Sims.

Reset Settings...
Resets all settings for a specific module or for all modules back to default setting values.