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Change Interaction Autonomy...

MC Command Center > MC Tuner > Change Interaction Autonomy...

Autonomous Mischief
Disabling this setting will turn-off autonomous Mischief interactions for Sims.
Autonomous Mean
Autonomous Proposals
Enabling this setting will allow autonomous Proposal interactions to happen between Sims. The chance of this occurring is controlled by the core game and not my mod.
Autonomous Marriage
Enabling this setting will turn-on autonomous Marriage interactions for Sims.
Autonomous Flirty
Disabling this setting will turn-off autonomous Flirty interactions for Sims.
Autonomous Repairs
If enabled, any eligible Sim on a lot with a broken object may autonomously repair the object.
Autonomous Cleaning
If enabled, any eligible Sim on a lot with an object that needs cleaning may autonomously clean it.
© KlingonDragon
© Deaderpool