Relationship Settings...
MC Command Center > MCCC Settings... > Relationship Settings...
Friendship Decay Percentage
The percentage of normal decay relationships will lose. 100 percent is default. 0 percent is no decay. Higher than 100 percent will result in faster decay than normal.
Friendship Difficulty Adjustment
Change Relationship progression to be slower or faster. Valid settings are from -50 to 10 with a default of zero. Negative is slower progress, positive is faster. Every negative point is -10%, so -10 is 100% slower, -20 is 200% slower, etc. Positive are 100% per point, so 2 is 200% faster up to 10 which is 1000% faster.
Romantic Decay Percentage
The percentage of normal decay relationships will lose. 100 percent is default. 0 percent is no decay. Higher than 100 percent will result in faster decay than normal.
Romance Difficulty Adjustment
Change Relationship progression to be slower or faster. Valid settings are from -50 to 10 with a default of zero. Negative is slower progress, positive is faster. Every negative point is -10%, so -10 is 100% slower, -20 is 200% slower, etc. Positive are 100% per point, so 2 is 200% faster up to 10 which is 1000% faster.
Relationship Culling...
Relationship culling follows default EA rules and deletes relationships accordingly.
Allow Teen Parenting
If enabled, Teen Sims can also learn the parenting skill and learn new parenting interactions.
Breakup Settings